Books and Study Materials
Books and Study Materials
Tara Institute’s study material is one of the best in the industry of coaching for competitive exams. Following are the benefits:
Professionally Designed
The study material is designed professionally by a cumulative efforts of the best trainers in the industry. The course material is complete in all respect & utmost care has been taken to offer almost all aspects of the competitive exams.
Innovative, well researched & updated
The study material is updated every 6 months, keeping into consideration the
recent trends in the competitive exams. Our students get the most recent curriculum with the most updated examples & exercises.
Comprehensive & well structured
Comprehensive Study Material with deep extensive coverage of theory to ensure coverage of syllabus for building a solid foundation and clarity of concepts.
Solved Examples & unsolved exercises
Every topic has variety of solved examples followed by numerous unsolved exercises. These gives a student a huge amount of confidence on each topics.
Structured & organized program of study
The program is highly structured & organized. The sequence of topics have been well thought of & that the experience of many senior academicians have been utilized to design the program flow.
The study material covers topics including almost all competitive exams ranging from Bank Clerk, Bank PO, SSC-CHSL, SSC-CGL, LIC, GIC, Railways,
etc. Students following our course materials find themselves prepared for almost 20 various competitive exams for government jobs.
Progressive Approach
The approach of the study material is to develop a progressive skills among the students. The students are initially taken through the most basic level of exercises & are them simultaneously taken through the higher difficulty levels. These increases the progressive attitude among the students & that
students find it easy & methodical when it comes to practice & preparations.
Study Material in English & Hindi

Table of Content
Volume 1 of 3 English Medium | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo. |
Quantitative Aptitude | ||
1 | LCM & HCF | Q.1-5 |
2 | Percentage | Q.6-16 |
3 | Profit, Loss And Discount | Q.17-28 |
4 | Simpale And Compound Interest | Q.29-40 |
5 | Ratio And Proportion | Q.41-52 |
6 | Partnership | Q.53-58 |
7 | Mixture And Allegations | Q.59-66 |
8 | Average | Q.67-75 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Alphabet, Number & Symbol Sequence | R.1-14 |
2 | Analogy | R.15-24 |
3 | Coding And Decoding | R.25-34 |
4 | Classification | R.35-40 |
5 | Blood Relation | R.41-49 |
6 | Direction Sense | R.50-55 |
7 | Ranking & Ordering Test | R.56-61 |
8 | Seating Arrangement | R.62-72 |
9 | Coded Inequalities | R.73-81 |
10 | Mathematical Operations | R.82-87 |
General English | ||
1 | Articles | E.1-10 |
2 | Active And Passive Voice | E.11-23 |
3 | Degree Of Comparison | E.24-33 |
4 | Direct And Indirect Speech | E.34-44 |
5 | Miscellanneous Common Error | E.4 -47 |
6 | Word Power | E.48-61 |
General Awareness | ||
1 | Computer Knowledge | C.1-54 |
2 | Marketing Knowledge | M.1-33 |
3 | Banking Awareness | B.1-28 |
Volume 2 of 3 English Medium | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo |
Quantitative Aptitude | ||
1 | Time And Work | Q.1-11 |
2 | Pipes And Cisterns | Q.12-19 |
3 | Distance, Speed And Time | Q.20 -33 |
4 | Boats And Stream | Q.34-40 |
5 | Geometry | Q.41-62 |
6 | Mensuration | Q.63-81 |
7 | Permutation And Combination | Q.82-95 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Syllogism | R.1-13 |
2 | Analytical Reasoning | R.14-23 |
3 | Input Output | R.24 -33 |
4 | Logical Venn Diagram | R.34-38 |
5 | Cube And Dice | R.39-46 |
6 | Statement And Assumptions | R.47-54 |
7 | Statement And Argument | R.55-61 |
8 | Statement And Conclusion | R.62-67 |
9 | Statement And Courses Of Action | R.68-74 |
General English | ||
1 | Preposition | E.1-17 |
2 | Parts Of Speech | E.18-48 |
3 | Sentences Or Phrases Rearrangement |
E.49-58 |
4 | Cloze Deletion Test | E.59-66 |
5 | Reading Comprehention | E.67-98 |
6 | Idioms And Phrases | E.99-125 |
7 | Common Error | E.126-144 |
General Awareness | ||
1 | Computer Knowledge | C.1-33 |
2 | Marketing Knowledge | M.1-23 |
3 | Banking Knowledge | B.1-23 |
Volume 3 of 3 English Medium | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo. |
Quantitative Aptitute | ||
1 | Number System | Q.1-13 |
2 | Simplification | Q.14-29 |
3 | Trigonometry | Q.30-43 |
4 | Probablity | Q.44-55 |
5 | Co-Ordinate Geometry | Q.56-60 |
6 | Algebra | Q.61-70 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Series | R.1-6 |
2 | Number Puzzle | R.7-13 |
3 | Clock And Calendar | R.14-22 |
4 | Decision Making | R.23-31 |
5 | Non-Verbal Reasoning Part – 1 | R.32-46 |
6 | Non-Verbal Reasoning Part – 2 | R.47-56 |
General English | ||
1 | Vocabulary | E.1-10 |
2 | Spelling Test | E.11-19 |
3 | One Word Substitution | E.20-38 |
General Awareness | ||
1 | General Awareness MCQS | G.1-75 |
2 | Basic General Knowledge | G.76 -104 |
Data Interpretation And Sufficency | ||
1 | Data Interpretation | D.1-22 |
2 | Data Sufficiency | D.23-37 |

Volume 1 of 3 Hindi Medium | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo. |
Quantitative Aptitude | ||
1 | LCM & HCF | Q. -7 |
2 | Percentage | Q.8-19 |
3 | Profit, Loss And Discount | Q.20-32 |
4 | Simpale And Compound Interest |
Q.33-44 |
5 | Ratio And Proportion | Q.45-58 |
6 | Partnership | Q.59-65 |
7 | Mixture And Allegations | Q.66-74 |
8 | Average | Q.75-84 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Alphabet, Number & Symbol Sequence |
R.1-14 |
2 | Analogy | R.15-24 |
3 | Coding And Decoding | R.25-36 |
4 | Classification | R.37-43 |
5 | Blood Relation | R.44-54 |
6 | Direction Sense | R.55-62 |
7 | Ranking & Ordering Test | R.63-69 |
8 | Seating Arrangement | R.70-80 |
9 | Coded Inequalities | R.81-89 |
10 | Mathematical Operations | R.90-96 |
General English | ||
1 | Articles | E.1-10 |
2 | Active And Passive Voice | E.11-23 |
3 | Degree Of Comparison | E.24-33 |
4 | Direct And Indirect Speech | E.34-44 |
5 | Miscellanneous Common Error |
E.45-47 |
6 | Word Power | E.48-61 |
General Awareness | ||
1 | Computer Knowledge | C.1-53 |
2 | Marketing Knowledge | M.1-23 |
3 | Banking Awareness | B.1-41 |
Volume 2 of 3 Hindi Medium (books and study materials) | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo. |
Quantitative Aptitude | ||
1 | Time And Work | Q.1-11 |
2 | Pipes And Cisterns | Q.12-19 |
3 | Distance, Speed And Time |
Q.20-32 |
4 | Boats And Stream | Q.33-39 |
5 | Geometry | Q.40-62 |
6 | Mensuration | Q.63-83 |
7 | Permutation And Combination |
Q.84-96 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Syllogism | R.1-16 |
2 | Analytical Reasoning | R.17-25 |
3 | Input Output | R.26-35 |
4 | Logical Venn Diagram | R.36-41 |
5 | Cube And Dice | R.42-50 |
6 | Statement And Assumptions |
R.51-59 |
7 | Statement And Argument | R.60-66 |
8 | Statement And Conclusion | R.67-72 |
9 | Statement And Courses Of Action |
R.73-81 |
General English | ||
1 | Preposition | E.1-17 |
2 | Parts Of Speech | E.18-48 |
3 | Sentences Or Phrases Rearrangement |
E.49-58 |
4 | Cloze Deletion Test | E.59-66 |
5 | Reading Comprehention | E.67-98 |
6 | Idioms And Phrases | E.99-125 |
7 | Common Error | E.126-144 |
General Awareness (books and study materials) | ||
1 | Computer Knowledge | C.1-23 |
2 | Marketing Knowledge | M.1-24 |
3 | Banking Knowledge | B.1-22 |
Volume 3 of 3 Hindi Medium(books and study materials) | ||
CNo. | Topics | PageNo. |
Quantitative Aptitute | ||
1 | Number System | Q.1-13 |
2 | Simplification | Q.14-30 |
3 | Trigonometry | Q.31-44 |
4 | Probablity | Q.45-49 |
5 | Co-Ordinate Geometry | Q.50-60 |
6 | Algebra | Q.61-70 |
Reasoning Ability | ||
1 | Series | R.1-6 |
2 | Number Puzzle | R.7-13 |
3 | Clock And Calendar | R.14-21 |
4 | Decision Making | R.22-29 |
5 | Non-Verbal Reasoning Part – 1 |
R.30-44 |
6 | Non-Verbal Reasoning Part – 2 |
R.45-54 |
General English | ||
1 | Vocabulary | E.1-10 |
2 | Spelling Test | E.11-19 |
3 | One Word Substitution | E.20-38 |
General Awareness | ||
1 | General Awareness MCQS | G.1-77 |
2 | Basic General Knowledge | G.78-106 |
Data Interpretation And Sufficency | ||
1 | Data Interpretation | D.1-22 |
2 | Data Sufficiency | D.23-37 |